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Breast cancer screening

Breast cancer screening can save lives so do not ignore your invite. Breast Cancer screening is offered to all women aged 50-70 years old every 3 years. During your breast screening appointment, you will have breast scans (mammograms). This can help detect cancers which are too small to see or feel.

Every year 12,000 women die in the UK from breast cancer. Early diagnosis saves lives.
If you have missed your appointment or invite, you can call 0203 758 2024 to book an appointment.

Additional information

You can find more information, including your nearest screening centre at:

You can book or change your appointment at: – Select your local London screening service.

NHS Breast Screening further information: – Breast Screening Mammogram.

Warbixin af-soomaali ah [information in Somali]: – (Somali Subtitles) London NHS Breast Screening Programme – Client Information Video.

Türkçe bilgiler [information in Turkish]: – (Turkish Subtitles) London NHS Breast Screening Programme – Client Information Video.

Informații în limba română [information in Romanian]: – (Romanian Subtitles) London NHS Breast Screening Programme – Client Information Video.

Información en español [information in Spanish]: – (Spanish Language) London NHS Breast Screening Programme – Client Information Video.