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Travel clinics

Travelling abroad needs to be planned well in advance. Start preparing for your trip at least four to six weeks before you go. Remember that vaccines and anti-malaria medicine need time (two weeks or more) to provide protection before you go on your trip. The medication needed for an area can change, depending on current health protection advice, so even if you’ve visited an area before, you may need different medicines now. Sexual health experts advise taking condoms with you to avoid the risk of buying fake brands, which may be unsafe, when you get there.

You need to book an appointment to see a nurse to discuss your travel vaccine needs. Each member of your family will need a separate appointment. Because the nurse will need to check the latest recommended travel advice for the specific country or countries you are visiting this will need a longer appointment than usual.

Before you book the appointment, please complete our travel risk assessment form.

Please note that most travel vaccines are not provided by the NHS and there is a charge for them. Malaria prevention medication is also not provided by the NHS and you will have to pay, both for the prescription from the surgery and also for the medicine from the pharmacist.


Hep AFree
Hep B£30
ACWY Vaccine£50
Private Prescription for Malaria Tablets Only£15
Travel Vaccination Certficates£15

Please note that Yellow Fever vaccination is a specialist service (not available on the NHS) and is not currently available at Evergreen Surgery.

Parents who decide to travel with unimmunised children will be doing so at their own risk.

Travel vaccines are also available locally (privately) from:

Nomad Travel
3-4 Wellington Terrace
Turnpike Lane
N8 0PX

01341 555061
